Storage moth


Ephestia elutella

The storage moth causes similar damage to the grain moth. It is the main pest of the confectionery industry. The list of substrates it attacks is long and varied. In addition to sweets and chocolate products, it attacks dried fruit, cocoa beans, nuts, seeds, various seeds, cereals and other milled products, rice, long-life baked goods, green coffee, medicinal herbs, tobacco and tobacco products. Also insect collections, herbaria and woolen fabrics. The main places of infestation are warehouses, storage facilities, food factories and mills. Wingspan of the moth 18 mm. Forewings lead gray with wavy dark transverse bands. Hind wings unicolored, lighter. About 300 eggs. Reddish, greenish or white, up to 20 mm long caterpillars often sit in webbed tubes. Pupation in hiding places, cracks, sacks, etc. outside the sewing substrate. 3-4 generations per year.