Private customers
Bed bug control
Bedbug infestation is an unpleasant and annoying matter. There are many ways in which they can be introduced, for example in luggage from the last vacation, school trips, etc. Bedbugs are found all over the world and can come from practically anywhere. An acute infestation initially goes unnoticed, as the adults can survive for up to 40 weeks without food and are insensitive to the cold. They live in cities, sometimes in homes adjacent to the breeding grounds of feral pigeons. Bedbugs are bloodsuckers and feed on humans, pets, bats and birds. They are nocturnal and are attracted to CO2. Bed bug bites not only itch and burn very unpleasantly, the small insects also serve as an intermediate host for all kinds of pathogens. Allergic reactions to the sting secretion are also known. A female bedbug can lay several eggs a day, which leads to rapid reproduction. The very small insects hide during the day in cracks, crevices, corners of bed boxes or similar protected places and only appear at night to feed. Our IHK-certified pest controllers know the typical hiding places and egg-laying sites of bed bugs, check the level of infestation and initiate further control measures:
Examples of infested areas: