Brown band cockroach
Supella longipalpa
This species also survives in a dry habitat such as closets, computers, bookshelves or cardboard boxes. It reaches a size of 10 to 13mm and although the wings are quite well developed, this species cannot fly. The animals are generally dark brown in color, only the pronotum is brown and has the two light, characteristic horizontal stripes. The brownbanded cockroach or furniture cockroach is mainly found in commercial kitchens, bakeries, canteens, hospitals, swimming pools and greenhouses. At a temperature of 30°C, development into an adult, i.e. sexually mature insect, takes 54 to 56 days. At 22°C, this period is extended to up to 355 days, with an average life expectancy of 200 days Brown-banded cockroaches cannot overwinter outdoors under Central European climatic conditions. Under appropriate conditions, up to three generations can develop per year. The females lay around 80 to 200 eggs in the course of their lives; the number of egg capsules (oothecae) is around 13.